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PicoPOC is a POCSAG signal repeater designed to ensure indoor coverage continuity of your alert network.

PICoPOC is a POCSAG repeater developped and manufactured by TPL Systèmes for people encountering problems of coverage of their alert network inside buildings and houses.

PicoPOC enables to transmit again automatically the POCSAG messages that it receives and which are addressed to pager(s).

Very user friendly, PicoPOC repeater will be set up in only a few seconds, once programmed. It only takes to plug it to a 220V power source through the included power supply and to hang it on the wall thanks to its installation kit. 

PicoPOC is synthesized and is available in more than 15 frequency bands (VHF and UHF).

PicoPOC has got 3 functionning modes that can be programmed through a customization software:

  • Full repetition: all RIC codes and POCSAG messages received will be transmitted again.
  • Repetition by list: only prepromgammed RIC codes and related POCSAG messages will be transmitted again. There’s a possibility to have a preprogrammed list up to 90 RIC codes.
  • Repetition by prefix: only RIC codes beginning by preprogrammed prefix(es) and their related POCSAG messages, will be transmitted again. Possibility of having a list up to 10 RIC codes prefixes; example: 0241XXX ou 024XXXX etc...

PicoPOC is supplied with an antenna  1/4 wave and is equipped with a TNC antenna connector. This antenna can be replaced by an external antenna with a higher gain.

Moreover, PicoPOC is powered through a 220V/5V AC adapter which can be connected to the mini USB output, placed on the front case.

A « test » button enables to make a test of sending a message to a predefined pager number. A long pressing on this button enables to send this test message in a loop in order to carry out an assessment of the coverage.


Repetition features

3 repeating modes :

  • Full repetition
  • Repetition on addresses list (up to 100 entries)
  • Repetition on addresses prefixes (up to 10 entries)

Sub-addresses management

Alphanumeric / numeric / tone only messages management

Anti ping-pong management, enabling to avoid that PicoPOC transmits again messages from another PicoPOC.

Main features

Power supply with 220V/5V AC adapter, mini-USB cable

Consumption : 90mA in Rx, 140mA in Tx

Programming by customization software in French and English

Aluminium case

Lateral fixing brackets included

Weight: 300 grs                            

Dimensions : 100 x 100  x 30 mm

Operating temperature and humidity from -10°C at +60°C, 95% at 40°C

Storage temperature and humidity from -20°C at +85°C, 95% at 40°C

POCSAG features

Frequency: all VHF frequencies, UHF frequencies on demand for bands:

135 - 174 MHz

438 - 472 MHz

868 - 870 MHz

Channel spacing:  12.5/20/25 KHz

System modulation: NRZ

Transmission speed: 512bps, 1200bps or 2400bps


Sensitivity at 512bps : -130dBm

Selectivity: 60dB  (±25KHz)

Inter modulation protection : >60 dB

Frequency stability: ±2 ppm


Power : +14dBm (25mW)

Deviation frequency: ±2.25KHz (12.5KHz); ±3.6KHz (20KHz); ±4.5KHz (25KHz)


PicoPOC is supplied with:

A 220V / 5V USB adapter

An omnidirectionnal antenna reclining to 90°

2 lateral fixing brackets